Saturday, March 28, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #207 Salvador Bahia 09 Jun 1999 Brasil

Question: Guruji, what is your message?

Guruji: I have no message. In order to give a message you have to be far away. Message needs a distance. Message is of the past or of the future. Message is impersonal and lifeless. Knowledge cannot be a message. The wise one will not give you a message, but will simply awaken you.

God will not give you a message. For God to give you a message, God has to be so far away from you. God is more close to you than your breath. How can He give you a message?

The wise neither need a message nor give a message. The unwise would give a message and want a message -- and would be unable to use the message anyway. Whoever needs the message will not use it. And one who can use the message wouldn't need it!

Jim asks, "What is the difference between Knowledge and message?"

You can read about living in the moment so many times, but it only becomes knowledge when you experience it. Like you can read the ingredients, but when you taste it, the information becomes Knowledge.

Jim says, "These Knowledge sheets really cut down on our communication." (Laughter!)


For the first time Guruji visited Argentina, Chile and Brazil to deliver people from messages! There was great enthusiasm everywhere and government officials of several departments were eager to adopt the programs. South America was in jubilee!

Jai Guru Dev

Transforming the Crisis in Education: Coming Home

(see last weekÒ³ Knowledge sheet for the schedule of events)

The 3 day conference being held at the Ashram during the second week of the summer courses will provide the first truly in-depth look into the direction being taken by the organization addressing our program for children. Unveiled will be the curricula for the ashram School, set to open its doors in autumn of the year 2000, and we will encourage all conference participants to lend us their vision of an ideal school, a school that will be the exact result of the heart-labors put into it by its supporters. So, we are calling on those parents and educators (and generally those interested in the future of our society) to bring their support and their ideas to this conference which proposes to give children the A.R.T. EXCEL experience all-year long. Please come and share your vision with us.

This conference, being held the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of July, is offered at no extra fee, and only to those who are here at the Ashram participating in one of the courses taking place during the second week of courses this summer. This is a perfect adjunct to, but not a replacement for, A.R.T. EXCEL Teacher's Training (being held the first week). We are so fortunate to be in the very eye of this storm of knowledge that is right now already transforming the society in which we live. And how fortunate for our children -- the next generation.

Just to keep people abreast of the registration proceedings at the ashram; for the second week the residence building Bodhisattva has been filled, and the two women's cabins have been filled. So bear in mind that when registering, for a fair amount of people, this will mean that you will be registering for either camping or the condos. Please feel free to contact Sage or Judith at the Ashram for more detailed and up-to-the-minute information.

**Special Note: Gurudev has requested that a limit on the number of people coming to the ashram be placed. Therefore, all applications will be handled on a first-come first-served basis and must be accompanied with full payment. Again, please recall that phone messages, faxed messages, or emails will not reserve a place on the summer courses, only the full registration process suffices. Please act quickly to reserve your space.

MAHA SEVA: All people who have any time at all to spare or donations to give are requested to contact the Ashram as quickly as possible in response to Guruji's request that the grounds be cleaned and prepared and generally beautified in order to receive various delegates and honored guests to visit during the time of the summer programs.

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