Monday, March 30, 2009

Make Everything Personal And Universal

Weekly Knowledge #111 Tahoe City, California
23 Jul 1997 USA

Manatha Sri Jagan Natha My Lord is the Lord of Creation

Mad Guru Sri Jagad Guru My Master is the Master of the Universe

Madathma Sarva Bhutatma My Soul is the Soul of Every Living Being

Tas Mai Sri Guruve Namah I Bow Down to the Glory of My Guru Dev

Often what is universal is not personal and what is personal does not belong to everyone. What is "mine" and what is "universal" are completely opposite. This is the cause of greed, fear, jealousy, and lack of contentment. On this Guru Purnima wake up and realize that the Lord of the Universe is very personal to you. Your personal Guru is the Guru of the whole world. The Guru is your very SELF and your SELF is the very life in every being. Make the universal personal; it makes you richer, wiser, stronger. Make the personal universal; you will find freedom, compassion, love.

Jai Guru Dev



The Guru Purnima Celebration was an explosion of BLISS and is still going on for the six hundred course participants in Lake Tahoe as it must be the Devotees around the world. Guruji continues to thrill us all with singing, laughter, knowledge, and some new meditations. Everyone and everything is sky high here -- altitude, attitude, consciousness, cake, and even water balloons. Many centers around the world celebrated Guru Purnima by starting Seva projects in their area.

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