Saturday, March 28, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #177 Vancover, B.C
28 Oct 1998 Canada

When do you appreciate someone? When they do something that is unusual,not ordinary, and not their nature. Isn't it so?

For example, when a wicked person doesn't create a problem then you appreciate them. Or, when somebody you think is not good does a good act, then you appreciate them. Also, when a good person does something extraordinary, then you appreciate them. If a child made you a cup of tea, you would appreciate it, but if a mother made the same cup of tea, you would not likely appreciate it because it is a normal act for her. In the same way, you appreciate getting a ride from someone you don't know, but you don't necessarily appreciate it from a bus driver.

In all these cases, those acts are temporary, out of character, or not their nature. So when you appreciate someone for something, you imply that it is not the way they are usually.

What if a person wants to be appreciated?
Sri Sri
That means that it is not in their nature, and that is why they want to be appreciated. If it is not coming from their nature it is an imposed act. So when you appreciate someone you simply imply that it is not their nature, it is not the way they usually are. It is a rare act or quality. Appreciation implies a sense of separateness or distance, so watch out when you appreciate someone!

Jai Guru Dev !


During the last week of Guruji's very busy vacation at the Canadian Ashram the only way he could have an uninterrupted meeting was in a boat out in the middle of the lake. The pink sky in the blue water was reflected in everyone's heart. In Calgary, some instant Gopis and Gopas were born who had not even taken the basic course. On a walk around Lake Louise, Dean was taking pictures and Guruji reminded Dean that the sun was on the camera.Dean said, "It's amazing, you always know where the sun is." Guruji laughed and said, "Who does not know where the sun is. What an appreciation!."

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