Monday, March 30, 2009

Devotion And Organization

Weekly Knowledge #139 Kauai, Hawaii
03 Feb 1998 USA

Organization is control. Devotion is chaos!

Organization needs attention to details, a material awareness. Organization is being worldly.

Devotion is getting lost, forgetting the world, being in ecstasy.

These are opposite in nature. They don't go together, yet they cannot be apart or exist without each other. No organization can arise without devotion. When there is so much devotion, you simply want to organize. Devotion brings faith, compassion, and responsibility. With responsibility and caring, you want to give knowledge, wisdom, and love. Then organization happens. So organization exists through devotion.

If you are devoted, you won't just sit. The nature of devotion is to give. If you think you are devoted and you are not caring for the world, then you are merely selfish. Real devotion means being one with the Divine, and the Divine cares for the world.

Often you lose devotion in organizing. And often in the name of devotion you create chaos and disregard the organization. You have to be a saint to be both in organization and devotion. If you have both, you are on the mark. So . . .

Get lost and be guided!

NEWS FLASH: Sri Sir received a royal Hawaiian welcome from many new devotees when he arrived on the island of Oahu. John Osborne spoke on a local TV health show, and the largest Healing Breath Workshop ever on Oahu was taught in Guruji's presence.

Satsangs continue on the Garden Island of Kauai where Guruji was ready for an adventure in the huge waves but found himself surrounded by devotees at a safe beach instead.

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