Monday, March 30, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #122 Bangalore Ashram
08 Oct 1997 India

Yagnas are the ancient method of enriching the subtle. They also purify the individual and the collective consciousness.

Yagna has three aspects:

1. Deva Puja: Acknowledging and honoring the Divine in all the forms.

2. Sangatikarana: Hastening the process of evolution by bringing together all the elements and people in creation.

3. Dana: Sharing and giving what one has been blessed with.


The depth of Sri Sri's silence was such a contrast to the noisy, irritant celebration. Activities start early in the morning and finish late at night. The Meditation Hall has become a feast for the senses. The Ashram is fully lit and so are the faces. The vedic chanting, the beat of the drums, the loud clarinets, the visiting Swamis and the usual ecstatic bhajans have made it magical.

New clothes and gifts were distributed to the poorest of the poor women from seven villages. For many of them it was the very first gift of new garments in their life and there was such gratitude. The rich fasted and prayed and the poor feasted in this genuine celebration.

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