Monday, March 30, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #105 Montreal
10 Jun 1997 Canada

A sculptor in a temple uses all types of stones.

Certain stones he uses for the foundations. These never appear outside.

From certain stones which are good to carve, the sculptor makes the walls and pillars of the Temple.

From other stones he makes the steps.

Certain stones become the tower of the Temple.

Only those stones which are extremely suitable for carving will become the Deity and be installed in the Temple.

When the stone become a part of the Temple, it no longer remains a stone, it becomes a sculpture, a piece of art, it becomes the Living Deity.

In the same way many people come to the Master. According to the degree of their surrender they are installed by the Master.

All are essential.

If there were no steps, how could a person reach the Temple?

If there were no foundation, how could the Temple be there at all?

What can a tower do without pillars?

For a sculptor, each stone is precious and valuable.


The Advanced Course in Paris left everyone joyful, even the unshakeable Zen monks were so moved, as Guruji moved on to Montreal. Here, like the beavers (an animal know in North America for building dams in rivers and lakes), the crew is busily building Guruji's Koutir at the Montreal Ashram. There are many courses happening all over the world including the recently completed course for cancer patients in New York City, and many in South Africa and India.

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