Saturday, March 28, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #173 Bangalore Ashram
02 Oct 1998 India

Wanting to correct a mistake brings doership and doership is the foundation for mistakes. Often, those who are trying to correct mistakes get caught up in more mistakes. Those who recognize their are mistakes are freed from them.

Often, when one acknowledges a mistake, one tries to justify it, without taking responsibility for it. And sometimes one accepts that one made a mistake and starts justifying it or feeling guilty about it. Mistakes get dropped when one is troubled by ones conscience (viveka) or grief.

There may be flaws in any action, any situation or any person. Treat a flaw as you would treat a flower. Just as a flower has to wither away after sometime, so does a flaw.


Hope you all enjoyed last weeks knowledge sheet; written on paper that is space, with ink that is love, written in a language that is silence. How many of you got it?

Navarathri was celebrated in the Ashram by hundreds of devotees from all around the world. Silence made way for celebrations that got louder and louder, culminating in a wave of bliss.

Serious discussions are under way for expanding the facilities in the Ashram. Even though the volunteers and the housing team did an excellent job, the need for more rooms and a larger Meditation Hall was direly felt. You are welcome to send in your suggestions and contributions directly to the Ashram.

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