Monday, March 30, 2009

Formality Is Foreign To Self ... Cordiality Is One's Nature

Weekly Knowledge #143 Rishikesh
04 Mar 1998 India

You cannot eliminate formality in society. It has to be given its place. But devoid of cordiality, formality can be hypocritical. Cordiality alone may cause chaos and may even appear sometimes to be uncaring.

Formality improves communication; cordiality improves communion - oneness. Communication is only necessary where there are two. Formality maintains duality.

Structures are based on formality. Love and knowledge are based on cordiality. For love and knowledge to blossom, you need an informal, cordial environment.

An organization cannot happen, orderliness cannot prevail, if the formalities are abandoned.

All actions are measured steps of formality. Devotion is informal and totally chaotic.

Cordiality is the core of one's existence, formality is the outer shell. When the outer shell is thin, it can reflect the inner light. Like the dome of the lamp softens the light. But if the dome is too opaque, you cannot see the light. So, we need to strike a balance between cordial formality and formal cordiality.

NEWS FLASH: The delegates from the International Conference on Human Values flew en-masse to Ahmedabad where they experienced an enormous wave of Gujarati hospitality at a musical dancing reception at the airport followed by dinner and a riotous Satsang in a traditional Indian village setting. The next morning, the delegates joined in a Maha Kriya of more than 3000 devotees personally led by Sri Sri, then toured Mahatma Gandhi's Ashram and ended an unforgettable day with a Maha Satsang of over 20,000 (Darshan alone took 4 hours!). The delegates then traveled north to Rishikesh nestled between the Himalayas and the head waters of the Ganges. Sri Sri led a bath in the river at sunset as devotees launched floating ghee lamps from the river banks to honor the auspicious occasion. The Conference continues in silence with visiting Saints, profoundly deep meditation and new levels of knowledge and experience.

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