Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #74 Kyoto
06 Nov 1996 Japan

You are stupid if you don't see the Divine in me.

If you see the Divine in me you cannot but be a part of me and you cannot be away from me. And if you feel a part of me you can only see the Divine in yourself. And if you can see the Divine in yourself, you'll see the Divine in everyone.


Art of Living Teachers have gone to Armenia on invitation of the United Nations to conduct a course for conflict resolution among the warring factions.

Sandy and party arrived in Japan where we had a wacky and wakening Satsang in Kobe. The party then proceeded to Tokyo where Tom, Chieko, Hydei and Nobuko had organised a lively discourse.

In Kyoto the Za-Zen Master of the Tofukuji Temple invited Guruji to his Monastery and had an interesting dialogue. He was touched by our presence.

Guruji was the Chairman of the International Conference of the Great Religions of Asia held at the Ryukoku University in Kyoto. Spiritual Leaders from around the World were present. There were many speakers but listeners felt stuffy and sleepy (laughter).

The press reporters were stunned by the changing fragrances experienced in Guruji's presence, but for those of us travelling with Guruji it was usual.

Jai Guru Dev

(Compiled by Jonathan, Bhanu, Reghu and Sharmila)

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