Thursday, April 9, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #38 29 Feb 1996
Bangalore Ashram India

Why do you respect someone? Because of their good qualities, isn't it? For example, positive qualities like honesty, wisdom, love, talents, behavior. But all these change in time. And when they do change, you lose respect. You only respect the greatness.

I have tremendous respect for each and every one. Not for their greatness or wisdom or talent, but for their very person. I respect everyone totally. So I can never lose respect for anybody, however they may be. One doesn't need to be great in order to be respected. Respecting the life makes you great. Don't look for respect from others; that makes you weak. Have respect for the self and no one can take your self-respect.

Jai Guru Dev


From Norway and Sweden. Ingrid in her van, plastered with big posters of Guruji, caught the attention of the traffic. Posters were all over Oslo. Sheila made a poster war.

Vinod and Ingrid turned a reluctant ambassador into an enthusiastic devotee, staying up all night reading the book "The Way of Grace."

Adventure time: We all went to a ski simulator and then sledded three kilometers downhill. All the devotees tumbled down, all covered with snow and with frozen hands and feet. It was -10 C and everyone was wearing heavy winter clothes, but there was Guruji, sledding with sandals and shawl. He didn't get a speck of snow on Himself.

Stockholm, Sweden: A TV crew was waiting in the meditation hall to interview him. They asked him what he thought about the New Age, if the Art of Living was part of the New Age. A moment of silence passed and with a vivid smile he replied, "Age is always new."

Another programme entitled "The Three Wise Men" was made with one of Sweden's most respected TV journalists for a major TV channel. The three wise men included Guruji and the Dalai Lama.

Evening talks were filled with humor, brilliant questions were asked, and laughter filled the air. All the "hard nuts" started popping like popcorn. As usual, the best talks are never recorded.

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