Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #79 Bangalore Ashram
12 Dec 1996 India

The mind that is seeking pleasure cannot be centered. You either seek pleasure or come to me. When you are centered, all pleasures come to you anyway, but they are no longer pleasures. They lose their charm. The mind that seeks pleasure can never achieve the highest. If you are after pleasure, forget about Satsang. Why are you wasting your time? This is the Art of Living.

If you are enjoying your suffering, then you also cannot be centered and you are far away from the path.

Susannah: What do you do when people talk negatively about this organization, Satsangs, teachers, or anybody for that matter?

Guruji: From your side give license to everybody to talk about anything, about anybody, anywhere, at any time.

Exercise -- Talk maximum negativity about everybody this whole week. This is a challenge.


Murli had a severe allergy. He could not talk and he could hardly eat or drink. His tongue was swollen. It was an alarming condition. Then Guruji arrived. He told Murli to take some medicine and tapped him on the throat. Amazingly, Murli was cured in the next few minutes. It was as though nothing had happened. He did not listen to Guruji. He did not even take any medicine.

People came to the Advanced Course for silence and were blasted by loud raucous music from the local village. People came all the way from Germany for the sunny weather for which Bangalore is known at this time of the year. They got dreary clouds, chilling wind, and rain. In addition, there were frequent power cuts which ensured that people took cold water baths in the morning. Gurujiƒ³ voice went hoarse and He needed a tap on His own throat!

Jai Guru Dev

(Compiled by Jeff, Bawa, Priya, Kashi)

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