Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #95 Rishikesh
03 Apr 1997 India

If you cannot get rid of vices, increase them. Worry, pride, anger, lust, grief - give them a bigger dimension and a different direction. Anger - what is the point of getting angry about small events? Be angry about the infinite, about Brahma.

Ego, pride - If you cannot get rid of pride, take pride in owning THE DIVINE.

Greed - Be greedy for SATSANG.

Craving - Crave for truth.

Aversion - Be averse to aversions.

Jealousy - Be jealous about SEVA.

Intoxication - Get intoxicated in the DIVINE.

Attachment - Attach yourself to the guru.

Joy is love for what is. Sorrow is love for what is not.

Jai Guru Dev


Many healing experiences were reported during the first advance course , which ended in an air of gratitude and bliss. The teacher trainees are being baked at different temperatures in the Divine Oven!

Rishikesh town is resonating with Art of Living Bhajans, and the second advance course is beginning with 600 people. Tuesday night after Satsang, sniffing squads were active all over the ashram due to changing fragrances of Guruji.

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