Thursday, April 9, 2009


Weekly Knowledge #51 29 May 1996
der Haag Netherlands

A single cell becomes the whole body. Somewhere it is nails, somewhere it is nose and tongue but all is a manifestation of a single cell. In the same way, the entire universe is made up of a single substance.

Remembering and FEELING that everything is made up of one thing heals the body and mind and balances the doshas in the body (vata, pitta and kapha). This is savitarka samadhi. Savitarka samadhi means equanimity with logical awareness.

Deep sleep can be jada samadhi (equanimity with inertia). And hence, sleep is the main factor in healing. Even medicines will not help without sleep and rest.

Samadhi with ecstasy has no logic. This is nirvitarka samadhi, awareness with bliss.

Nirvitarka samadhi is even beyond the experience of bliss, undefinable beyond words.


Just on the outskirts of Paris, the advanced course at the Hotel Leonardo da Vinci was great. The manager at the hotel turned into a devotee and expressed that his place was never filled with so much love and light. The Satsang, sight-seeing, and the feast on the boat in Paris at night was a rendezvous with the Divine.

The next morning five cars and a mini-van set out for Holland without any proper address but the miracle was that everybody reached the lecture hall in time. Some were fuming that they had not been given any address or telephone numbers.

They all cooled down in one minute as Guruji smiled and said, "Have trust and fun. If you lose your smile for small things, then what is the use of being with me? It is a double waste of time, yours and mine." The celebration continued past midnight and this Knowledge Sheet was born.

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